INNER CIRCLE // Favorite Images of 2022

INNER CIRCLE // Favorite Images of 2022


Many weddings traditions have come - and gone - and changed. But if you’re planning a wedding I invite you to close your eyes and think about the people you want to be sure to have by your side throughout the wedding day. I often still hear couples say, “Well we’re trying to even up the bridal party numbers.” I’ve also heard about people RENTING bridal party members - can you imagine? Paying someone to stand with you on your wedding day? That definitely defeats the purpose.

Your inner circle is your inner circle. So close your eyes. Make that list. Who do you want to help you and be alongside you as you battle nerves, and get emotional about your day. These are special special people. They are usually the friends and important people in your life that have been with you through thick and thin. You have inside jokes and they always have your back. Esthetically don’t worry about keeping things even or how it will look - we’ll make it look great and it will look great because the people you love, your inner circle, will be the most proud to stand in that place and support you. 

Enjoy this list of 2022 favorite images of your inner circles. You can feel the love and you can see it.