The Wonder of a Winter Wedding

I often tell my winter wedding clients - winter weddings are a completely different beast. I would argue that the require more planning and logistics than any summer wedding and you have to go in knowing what you can expect (and what you need to not expect). The main caveat being: LIGHT. In this northern region the sun sets around 5:00 PM on a cold December night - planning out when to have your ceremony, and most importantly when to plan your photographs is vital to planning a winter wedding…

Now the WONDER…holiday decor abounds and most of the time you don’t pay for it (think poinsettias, garland, wreaths, etc). There’s the wonder of snow (or rain in this case) and if you find a photographer that knows how to use artifical light to your advantage - you’re golden.

And then of course the love and family gathered together and the joys are all the merrier this time of year.

Enjoy the wedding of Hope and KeShawn. It was WONDERful.







@mikestaffproductions (Video)